» If you can't view the screen shot, you may have to click the screen shot when you put the mouse over the it to enlarge or decrease the size
» Dependant upon your browser settings.
This sleek program is another to watch out for. So be don't be tricked.
It appears that the files AVR10.EXE
and PQME.EXE were selft installed (based on the client) at approx. 3am-5am.
Beware if you see this URL in the address bar...
http ://buyinternet-security2010 .com /buy/?code=0000****
Below are entries found in the Registry(If you are unfamiliar with the registry...Leave this page NOW)
and files associated with the program.
Security 2010"
The following is a list of files you may find in
in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder:
"Internet Security 2010"
You will find
shortcuts to the program
in the C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch folder:
in the C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop folder
in the C:\Documents and Settings\usher\Start Menu folder
The following is a list of files you may find in the:
"C:\Program Files\InternetSecurity2010" Folder